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Contrary to what one has been told, leaders are not always born.  Just like other skills: such as singing, playing the piano, violin, and/or organ, one must practice to become perfect.  That old saying "practice makes perfect".  Is so very true for most everyone.  There are some leaders, which are born just that.  Leadership is a skill that needs to be developed.


Project Management, Program Management, any type of Management - needs to be taught.  Everyone wants to lead; however, in following are skills acquired, developed, nurtured, find tuned, and polished. As one is trained, the raw materials are blended, cultivated, and seasoned.  By following well, one learns to rule. 


A black belt - had to come up between the ranks.  As one set of skills were being taught at one level.  Preparation and skill building were being implemented to carry one to the next level - and the next level, and the next level, and-so-on-and-on...  Without the value-added skills that were developed; becoming a Black belt would just be in word; not deed.  We train leaders for beyond the next level.


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Anchor 4

There are so many things that people learn.  Research has shown that by the age of five, the average child has learned everything that they will need for life.  They learn how to count, their color, how to read, how to write, how to lie, and how to tell the truth. 


Life learning, the sessions that are learned from experiences cannot be taught in a book.  However, with the knowledge that is learned from a book, one can become more knowledgeable. 


We go deep; we get to the core of the situation.  There are steps and processes that one more experience to take them from then to now.  No one said it would be easy.  However, we have helped people get to the place in their life they never dreamed or expected. 


Never give up, never give in, the old saying; "one can make it", "one can win".  Just never give up and never give in.  Hold on.  We are there to help.


Anchor 5

Seniors are a major component in our everyday living.  The experience, knowledge, and wisdom that they have should be treasured and taken in to consideration for their style of living.


Within the Senior 4 Growth, there are weekly exercise classes, healthy eating, balance diet, weight control, style, dress, and groom, computer classes, etc…  We would like for doctors, nurses, and elderly care providers to be able to provide regular checkups and services.


In addition, there are social events planned out, so seniors will not get bored.  Activities are the course for enjoyment.  Many seniors have retired.  They still would like to work.  In that case, we have work programs for seniors.  Many can work a given amount of time and with that it keeps them busy – plus add income to their pockets.



Anchor 6

Regardless to the age, housing is a concern. We have taken time to develop programs to assist with housing for all ages and situations. It is agreed, that everyone has to have a place to live.   In spite of the income - housing is an issue. We realize that there are a countless numbers of homeless individuals, families, and young people each needing a place to call home.   In addition, they are in need of other necessities and resources.


We work alongside many organizations to provide education and training on what it takes to get, keep, and maintain any type of housing. Budget management, upkeep management, and cost of living management are just a few sources that we provide education.   We must find out the problems - before we can resolve and come up with solutions.   We have teams in place to do just that - assist with housing issues.  Provide assistance and empower for resolution and perseverance.

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